112 PAGES, 22 CM X 16.5 CM
EDITION FINK, ISBN 978-3-03746-270-6

350 copies
The limited edition (15 copies) includes two handmade analog prints

Concept and editing: Akosua Viktoria Adu-Sanyah, Georg Rutishauser
Photographs, poem, text, and design: Akosua Viktoria Adu-Sanyah
Proofreading: Eddi Jones Projects
Preprint and production: Atelier Georg Rutishauser

ROUGH TIDE is the manifestation of my journey through grief. 
I photographed this work during two oceanographic expeditions through the Southernmost of Patagonia in Chile, known as La Zona Austral. The period between these ventures was marked profoundly by my father’s death in August 2021.

The first expedition took place in December 2020, during the global pandemic, and led from Punta Arenas to the glacier of Santa Inés in Seno Ballena to study ocean acidification induced by climate change. In June 2022, the second expedition began, again from Punta Arenas, and navigated the Canal Beagle to conduct research in Yendegaia. Due to the severe turbulence that we encountered in Antártica Chilena, we couldn’t reach our intended destination, the tip of Cabo de Hornos. Bahía Wulaia was the closest we got to the Antarctic continent.

Every page of this book, including its cover, is a reproduction of an original, handmade chromogenic print. 
This book wouldn’t exist without my dog Mingus, who keeps me sane in the darkroom.

These two handmade prints are included in the limited edition:


silver gelatin print  23 cm x 15 cm, chromogenic print  25 cm x 20 cm

the pieces are handmade and exact measurements vary, traces stem from the glass plate I used to make the contacts for the book and in the cover 

I want to express my gratitude to:

Dr. José Luis Iriarte, a leading figure in oceanography, for his trust and generous welcome into the world of marine biology
Hugo and his tripulación – Astrid, Eladio, Óscar, Patricio, and Víctor – for navigating our small ship safely in the waters of the Estrecho de Magallanes and the Cordillera Darwin
The scientists Carla, Marco, Majo, and Nacha
The Peter und Luise Hager-Stiftung and all the other patrons of BEHOLD THE OCEAN, the precursor of this work
My NFT collectors who made the second expedition possible, especially Daïm Al-Yad, Gregory Eddi Jones, Noah Kalina, Sam King, and Peter Molick
And a special thank you to Regula Müdespacher and Danaé Panchaud

This publication was made possible by the support of Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia, Kanton Zürich, Stadt Zürich Kultur, Volkart Stiftung, Kresau4 Stiftung

corner dry lungs
Akosua Viktoria Adu-Sanyah, 02.02.2024

corner dry lungs, grey knees. 
breaking in front of the memory
the chest crying.
moldy leaning death
ripped me juicy, fell alone.
fruit dripping like a fruit ripped
I remember the ground.
I sit until I remember
went unbearable –
© 2025 Akosua Viktoria Adu-Sanyah

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